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Lydney Church of England Community School (VC)

Aylburton Church of England Primary School

Through God’s love we learn and flourish together, Corinthians 16:14

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World Aware

We intend for pupils not only to be digitally competent and have a range of transferable skills at a suitable level for the future workplace, but also to be responsible online citizens. They will also learn about how, through technology, people around the world are connected to one another.  



Being computer literate enables pupils to be part of a wider community across the globe and to a partnership when creating something in school. It also allows them to understand how they are, and can be, connected to people around the world.     



Through ‘tinkering’ with programmes and debugging algorithms children must develop both their critical thinking and perseverance to enjoy the sense of achievement that they will feel when their programme is running correctly. They also learn about how to protect their well-being by being responsible online users and what to do if something they see online worries them.  



Computing gives children the opportunities to experience ‘wow moments’ and a sense of awe and wonder that comes from things such as learning about how the internet works or when a programme that they have worked hard to create and debug works.  



Our curriculum will develop pupil’s appreciation of technology, its capabilities and the opportunities technology offers to, create, manage, organise, and collaborate. Children learn about career opportunities through the STEM subjects and the different paths that studying computing can lead them down.  

The computing progression map and long-term subject curriculum plan details the skill and knowledge content taught across the school. The Computing Curriculum is sequenced through a gradual build-up of specific skill sets relating to the strand of Computing being taught each term. There are 4 strands: computing systems and networks, data handling, creating media and programming. These strands come from the Teach Computing scheme of work. The units from this scheme are organised into a rolling programme to work across the mixed-year group classes at our schools so that children are always building on previous learning and to ensure that all national curriculum objectives are covered.


The curriculum has been designed the way it has because it is fundamentally important that children are taught progressive and sequential skills which are built on whilst forming a solid understanding of the role that technology plays in today’s society. Children are taught how technology can be used to benefit and enrich lives and solve problems but also how to use it safely and responsibly. This learning works along the PSHE curriculum in promoting awareness of safe and unsafe online behaviours.    Children are excited to share their developing understanding of computing and the role it plays in their lives today.   

Chestnut Class Computing

Oak Class Computing