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Lydney Church of England Community School (VC)

Aylburton Church of England Primary School

Through God’s love we learn and flourish together, Corinthians 16:14

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Chestnut Class

Welcome to Chestnut!


Chestnut class is home to our lovely Reception, Year One and Year Two children. Mrs Cooke will teach Tuesday to Friday and Mrs Jones will teach on a Monday. 


We have the support of a general fulltime TA Miss Hancock and another TA Mrs Riach, who works Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.


Please have a look around of class page to see all of the learning we have been doing each term.


Important information



Learning Overview Summer 2024

Learning Overview Spring 2024

Learning Overview Autumn 2023

Little Wandle PowerPoint for Parents

Our 'Book in a Box' world book day activity was a big hit!

We've had so much fun in Art and DT making 3D clay sculptures and textiles pouches! 

Last Half Term: A very special visitor!

Last half term on October 10th, in Chestnut class we had a very special visitor. Mrs Mary Thomas used to teach at Aylburton C. Of E. She retired in 1987. Last week it was her 95th birthday and she asked if she could come back to visit the school. Mr and Mrs Reece brought her in to see us. Mr Reece used to be in her class when he was a little boy!! They both answered lots of our questions about how school used to be and how it has changed. Mrs Thomas told us that her favourite book was Charlotte’s Web. She asked us to sing her a song, and we performed 3 of our favourites. It was an absolute pleasure to welcome Mrs Thomas back to Aylburton school. We thought she was wonderful!! Thank you to Mr and Mrs Reece for arranging the visit.

A Surprise Visitor!

On Monday18th September we had a surprise visitor! We discovered some footprints outside our classroom. We followed them and found a nest. Something had made the nest right next to our classroom! Inside the nest we found some clues……some orange and yellow fur and a half eaten banana! There were more footprints, so we followed them and they led to the library. Inside we found more clues….something had knocked over some chairs. It had been reading our books and eating more bananas! Here we are, investigating what might have happened.

A Surprise Visitor - Monday 18th September

Reception children thought about who our surprise visitor might have been!

The Reception children have been exploring colour and finger painted rainbows. We have been talking about how we are all different and unique and created collage faces.