Personal, Social & Emotional Health
Personal, Social and Emotional Health
This subject area dovetails with the schools philosophy on moral education and ethos. Sometimes it is integrated into other subject areas and other times it is a discreet subject in itself.
As a statutory requirement during some science topics and as part of our general health programme, e.g. Life and Living Processes, children will participate in the School's Sex & Drug Education Programme.
Children in Yr.6 and Yr.5 will view videos and participate in group discussions related to more detailed Sex Education. All areas are dealt with sensitively and our aim is that children will receive access to correct information about this subject, in order that in the future they will be more able to make informed decisions.
Parents will be notified in advance of these discussions and will be invited to view material, in school, before their children and discuss any issues. Parents also have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of the sex education provided, except that which is required as part of the National Curriculum Science.
As part of our health education programme all children in KS1 receive fruit at morning break. We advise that no other tuck is needed. If children do bring snacks into school then chocolate, sweets, cakes and crisps are not acceptable. Lunch boxes should also contain a balanced diet.